Friday, January 6, 2012

Mexican Cornbread - January 6th

I made this Mexican Cornbread for my meal this week. It took a little under an hour to  prep. and cook. So here's how I made it :
I started out cooking 2.25 lbs. of ground beef, once it was cooked, you drain the fat off and add the Mexican seasoning (taco seasoning) with how ever much water the package says. There is your first layer of the casserole. Next I used finely shredded cheddar cheese, put a layer of it on top of the meat. Then you can use just about any corn bread recipe (Jiff cornbread boxes works too). Once you've made that, all you have to do is spread it across the cheese and meat and bake it, to the allotted time it says for the cornbread. This all fits nicely into a 13x9 pan. This meal is great with lettuce, tomatoes and some sour cream. My family loved it!!