Thursday, November 22, 2012

Thanksgiving Week -November 22nd

This Thanksgiving Week as you get ready for the big day, the big turkey and having friends over. While you Iron the new napkins you got,

While You Sweep the whole house,

While you cook a lot of the food the day before, Or the day of,

In the end some get up to watch the parade,

Some don't.

In the end we all sit down and eat what ever are the traditional side dishes you family does, we all try and enjoy this one day. I hope you have had a great thanksgiving but I hope through all this hoopla, what this day is really about. On this November 22nd lets not forget to be thankful for these things such as, the house we have to clean, the napkins we have to iron, the food on our plates and the ability to watch the parade.  Thats not mentioning, the family and friends  that surround us on this day.

 But we must think about the ones who don't have all this. The ones who don't have a home, who don't have food, who don't have family and friends.
               Yes, this is thanksgiving, Not christmas but a way to help and give something to those who don't have all this, that we are thankful for today, is just to fill a small shoe box and turn it into operation Christmas Child. it doesn't matter whats in it or whats not, but this small shoebox can change a childs life.
                I hope you have had a great thanksgiving this year. Help a child have a great christmas while your at it. : )

Monday, October 8, 2012

Blackened Chicken with Roasted Garlic Alfredo - October 8th

Yummy Blackened Chicken with Roasted Garlic Alfredo!!  It was Good and just so you know just because it's called blackened chicken doesn't mean that their burnt.(:


a large bag of  Chicken Breasts
Creole Seasoning 
Olive Oil
2 containers of Alfredo Sauce
1 Tablespoon of Roasted Garlic
28 oz. of Dry Egg Noodles

Pound the Chicken to even thickness, then drizzle olive oil over the chicken and lightly coat the Creole Seasoning on both sides.  You then will want to cook the Chicken in a frying pan till it is done ( it depends on how long per Chicken breasts due to the thickness). During this you will want to cook the noodles and start to warm the Alfredo Sauce. Once you have done this you will want to combine the  two. Once everything is ready you can serve the noodles on a plate and then put the chicken on top. It's amazing I hope you try it and enjoy.

See it's not Burnt you should try it for yourself. (:

Monday, October 1, 2012

Delicious Ranch Parmesan Chicken- October 1st

This meal WAS amazingly  Wonderful and Yummy. It's Ranch Parmesan Chicken I cooked noodles with it but you can cook rice or just a  loaf of bread. It's amazing!

 a Large bag of Chicken
1 cup of Italian Bread crumbs
1/3 cup of grated Parmesan
1 teaspoon Salt
1 teaspoon Pepper
1 teaspoon  Garlic Powder
11/2 cup of Ranch Dressing
1/4 melted stick of Butter

Start the oven at  400 degrees. You'll want to lightly grease a 13x9, then in a shallow dish you will want to mix the bread crumbs and the next four ingredients. Then put the ranch in a shallow dish and dip and coat the chicken in the ranch and then roll it in thebread crumb mixture. Lay them in the greased  pan and  drizzle the melted butter lightly over the top of the chicken and bake for 30 minutes.  This is what it looks like in the end. it's good.

Thursday, September 20, 2012

Chicken Tetrazzini - September

This weeks Recipe (Chicken Tetrazzini) is really good I loved it. I hope you do, here's what you have to do. ( I doubled this for 7-8 people there WAS Leftovers) (:


6 cups of cooked, chopped Chicken
2 cups of parmesan
2  (10 3/4-oz.) cans of cream of Chicken Soup
2  (15-oz.)  Alfredo Sauce
1 1/2 chicken broth
20 oz. Angel hair

You'll want to Preheat the oven to 350 before anything than you'll want to prepare the pasta  according to the package. Meanwhile you'll want to stir the chicken, 1 cup of Parmesan and the next four ingredients together. Than once that's stirred well you want to stir in the angel hair. Now lightly grease a 13-x-9 (you may need two pans), after that put the mixture in it and Sprinkle the top with the last cup of Parmesan on top.  Bake for 25-35 minutes or until it looks bubbly.

This was what it looked like in the end it was amazing!

It's really Good!
You should try it.

Monday, September 10, 2012

Country Ham Carbonara - September 10th

A Great  dinner to invite your kids home from school. It'll warm your insides on a cold fall day. Here's the recipe;


1 (16-oz.) package of Angel Hair
1 1/2 cups Cubed Ham
2 Tablespoons of oil or butter
1 Onion
2 teaspoons of Garlic
2 Eggs
1 cup Parmesan Cheese


First you'll need to cook the pasta like normally but before you drain it save 3 cups of the pasta water.

Next cook the ham in a large skillet until its as cripy as you want it. remove the ham and pat it dry with some papertowls but keep the grease still in the pan.

After that Sauté the Onions in the grease until tender then you'll want to stir the garlic in now. After that put the water from the pasta in the pan until it boils. Then put it in the pasta pot (with the pasta in it) and take it off the heat. Put the two eggs in and stir it well.

Put it back on the heat now!You'll want to stir it till it's creamy. Than remove from the heat again! Now add th ham and the Parmesan Cheese. Stir well and Serve it immediately. The end result looked like this for me.

It's Really Good I hope you try it. :)

Friday, April 20, 2012

Chicken Burgers

Ta Da!! Victory, For the first time in many weeks I have been able to Cook and I already have another recipe picked out for next week.This Dinner is called Chicken Burgers. I still like Hamburgers better but these were pretty good. Here's the recipe: 

This Recipe is Adapted from Michelle's Home
Makes 8 Burgers   (This is doubled)

 Ingredients for the Garlic-Basil Mayo:
2 cups of Mayo
1/4 cup of  dried Basil  ( I didn't double this)
1/8 Garlic Powder

Ingredients For the Burgers:
Oil For the grill or what ever you want to use
2 pounds of ground Chicken 
1/2 teaspoon Salt and Pepper
 Leafs of Arugula

You'll  want ham Burger Buns for this even though these are Chicken Burgers.

For the Mayo Mix every thing together and Just really make sure that  you mix it well. Make sure the garlic powder doesn't clump.

Now for the Burgers:

Preheat the Grill (how do you preheat a grill (: )  Do what you need to do to the grill to get it start it, Like Lite it. 
In a Large bowl Combine the chicken, salt and Pepper and half of the Mayo Mixture. Mix this with your Clean hands. Once your done having fun mushing  the meat together form the meat into 8 Patties about 1 inch thick each. 

 This is what it Suppose to look like before you grill it.
 Grill this on Your preheated grill (: for about seven minutes on each side.

Spread as much or as little of the mayo mixture on the bun as you want. then put the delicious looking burger on the bun and top it the Arugula (a lettuce type greens). Its amazingly awesome, You should try one.(:

This is what they look like when there all grilled and done. Yummy!

Thursday, March 29, 2012

Happy Happy Birthday

Seeing it was my Sis's Birthday  We got the fun of making belguin waffles for Breakfast. It was fun, (: 
Then For Lunch we had Freshly Made  Panini's.

They were AMAZING! Smelled Amazing, Tasted Amazing, and even looked Amazing. They were simply Amazing. (:
Then came dinner... It was also really good. We had An italian Meatloaf, Cajun Mac and Cheese and Homemade Garlic and Honey Rolls.  It was Good. (:

Then  came along dessert, which was a Boston Cream Pie.

So all in all I did alot of helping with the cooking I don't know  if that counts or not. But I had fun doing it. Even though It wasn't planned for this blog I thought My sis's Birthday meals were worth putting on the blog. 

For the belguin Waffles we basicly just pick a basic recipe from our 'Now your cooking' program which I'm not quite sure where we got it before that. As For the Panini's we made sandwitchs  then put them in the panini machine and Ta Da! The Sandwitch is ready. It really was  Amazing. Then we spent making  most of the afternoon making  homemade meatloaf and cajun Mac&Cheese and then the rolls and the dessert so the meal was  Awesomely Amazing as me and my friends put it and it sure does fit the name. (: Hope you enjoy.

Tuesday, March 13, 2012

So Very Busy - March 13th

I've been so very busy! Aaaaah I am so very sorry that I have not been able to get any recipes posted or even cooked these past couple of weeks. I am just about to look for another good recipe that hopefully I will get to cook this week I apoligize again. I will try my best to cook for you again very soon.

    A fellow Blogger,

Thursday, February 16, 2012

Creamy Cajun Chicken Pasta - Feburary 16th

Tonight I was unsure as to how it would turn out, but in the end it went better the expected. I made a dish called Creamy Cajun Chicken Pasta. My Family loved  it as did I.  Tonight wasthe first time for me to trie something cajun and suprisingly I love it. So heres the recipe;


8 boneless Chicken breasts, cut into strips
16 oz. Linguine, cooked al dente
8 teaspoons Cajun seasoning
8 teaspoons Butter
4 thinly sliced Green Onions
4-8 cups heavy Whipping Cream
8 tablespoons chopped Sun-Dried Tomatoes
1 teaspoon  Salt
1 teaspoon dried Basil
1/2 teaspoon ground Black Pepper
1/2 teaspoon Garlic Powder
1 cup grated Parmesan Cheese


First place Chicken and Cajun seasoning in a bowl and toss to coat it well.
Next in a large skillet over medium heat, saute chicken in the butter until the Chicken is tender, around 5 to 7 minutes or so.
Now its time to reduce the heat and add Green Onions, Heavy Cream, Tomatoes, Basil, Salt, Garlic Powder and the Black Peppe, heat it well.
Once you have done that you need to pour it over the hot linguine and toss in the Parmesan Cheese.
Theres alot of ingredients so make sure you have a big bowl.
This meal goes well with a nice Italian Bread. (:

Thursday, February 9, 2012

Busy, Busy, Busy

I failed this week I was so, so, very busy and was unable to cook a meal this week. I am sorry there is a possibility  that I will be  able to cook twice this week. So its only a possibility, I don't know yet. So Sorry.

Friday, February 3, 2012

mmmm Cheesy Biscuits - Febuary 3rd

Biscuts it was!! For lunch today I got to make these wonderful looking, even better tasty, Cheesy Biscuits. All it took was some ingredients from around the house and then bake it and I got wonderful looking and good tasting Biscuits. Be jealous, they were still warm to! (:

Thursday, February 2, 2012

Chicken and Spagetti Cassarole- Febuary 2

So today I got to make this Lovely and decioulus dish Called Chicken and Spaghetti Casserole. Yes the name may seem original but it was amazing. Just look at it.(:


16 oz. Uncooked Spagetti
6 cups chopped Chicken
2 cups shredded Sharp Cheddar Cheese
2 cups shredded Swiss Cheese
8 oz. Mushrooms
2 cans condensed cream of chicken soup (I used 1)
1 medium onion
2 cups milk 2%
1 cup chopped roasted red peppers
6 tablespoons mayonnaise
1 1/2 teaspoons Steak seasoning ( A.1)
1/2 teaspoon dried Basil

Cook the pasta according to the package. While thats cooking, in a large bowl  (make sure it's a very large) put the chicken, soup, onion, 1 cup of Cheddar, 1 cup of Swiss, mushrooms, peppers, mayonnaise, steak seasoning and basil. Stirr that around till every thing is throughly coated.

Once the Spagetti is done and drained put it in with the mixture which we made above. Stir very, very, very well to make sure  the spagetti  is well mixed.  After that  grease a 13x9 (or two 11x7's), cover it with Tinfoil. Bake at 350 F For 20-25 min.. After that uncover it, and SSprinkle the rest of both cheese's on top. Now bake again for another 5-10  minutes or until the cheese is mealted.

Monday, January 30, 2012

Banana Bread - January 30th

This morning agian I liked the idea having  something  warm  to eat for Breakfast.  So today instead of Pumpkin Bread (which I don't like) I got to have warm Banana Bread. Yes I have to admitt It was a Box mix but I still made it. :) LOL

Thursday, January 26, 2012

Impossible Cheeseburger Pie - January 26th (:

So tonight although I wasn't quite feeling up to it I put together a quickie meal for dinner and it actually turned out really well. It's called The Impossible Cheeseburger Pie;


2lb. ground beef
1/2 onion (how ever much you want)
1/2 teaspoon salt
Colby Jack
1 cup bisquick
2 cups milk
4 eggs

Cok the meat, then spread it in a 13 by 9. Once you've done that put a layer of Colby Jack (or Cheddar Cheese) on top of the meat. Now its time to mix the other ingredients; onion, milk, bisquick,eggs, salt. this should make a creamy gravy looking liquid (expect for the onions in it). Pour that over the cheese and the meat.  Stick it in the Oven for 35 min. at 400 F.  It Should Look like the picture above.  It's an easy recipe for a busy day. It was yummy. (:

Friday, January 20, 2012

A warm Breakfast on a cold Day - January 20th

 So this morning I woke up and looked around for something appetizing for breakfast. Well there was the normal options such as: cereal, toast, bagels etc. That's when I saw the box of Bisquick sitting on the back of the counter from last nights dinner. immediately the first thing that popped in my head was; hey I could have warm straight-out-of-the-oven biscuits. So you'll never guess what I had for breakfast!  That's right I had freshly baked Biscuits. Be jealous. (: (:

Monday, January 16, 2012

Pasta with a Creamy Smoked Bacon and Pea Sauce - January 16th

Today I cooked  a scrumdelicious meal, or so says my family, for tonight's dinner. It was the main course and we ate it with a side of oven-warmed french bread. Mmhmm yeah be jealous :) So here's the recipe to the wonderful dish that we had, I hope you enjoy.

 10 slices of smoked bacon
a small bunch of fresh mint
 sea salt and fresh ground pepper
 1 pound dried pasta
 olive oil
 a pat of butter
 2 cups frozen peas
 2 tablespoons of heavy cream ( I used it until it was creamy enough)
 1 lemon or juice
6 ounces Parmesan cheese

Prepare your pasta according to the package. Cook the bacon and while its cooking pick and mince the mint leafs. As soon as the bacon is golden and crisp, add your frozen peas, stir them well .

After the peas cook (melt the water off), add the heavy cream and chopped mint into the bacon and peas.  Now its time to add the pasta into the frying pan. Time to add the rest of the ingredients halve the lemon  and squeeze the juice out, I just used 8 oz. of lemon juice as a subtitute. Add the grated Parmesan to the pan and mix it well.

I put in a big bowl and set it on the table. This serves 4-6 (I doubled this for 7-8 people).
Hope you enjoy it, we all did. (:

Saturday, January 14, 2012

Grandma's Birthday - January 14th

Roast Beef, Fresh Carrots and Boiled Potatoes with Straight outta the oven Biscuits, That there makes a great start for a wonderful  evening . Especially seeing its my grandma's Birthday.
                                       HAPPY BIRTHDAY GRANDMA!!
                                                     (: (: (: 

Thursday, January 12, 2012

King Ranch Chicken Mac & Cheese - January 12

So this week for dinner I am making a new recipe I found online. It's amazing!  It's called King Ranch Chicken Mac&Cheese. I hope you enjoy it as much as I did.
                         My family thought it was Amazingly Awesome.

1/2 ( 16 oz. pkg) pasta cooked ( I used Shells)
2 tablespoons butter
1 medium onion, diced
1 green bell pepper, diced
1 (10 oz.) can diced tomatoes and green chile's (a can of Rotel works)
1 (8oz.) Velveeta, cubed
3 cups chopped cooked chicken
1 (10 3/4 oz.) can cream of chicken soup
1/2 cup sour cream
1 teaspoon chili powder
1/2 teaspoon ground cumin
1-1/2 cups (6oz.) shredded Cheddar cheese

Preheat oven to 350 F. Prepare pasta according to the package.

Meanwhile, melt some butter in a large Dutch oven medium-high heat. Add onion and bell pepper, and saute 5 minutes or unit their tender. Stir in the tomatoes, green chile's and the Velveeta; cook, stirring constantly for 2 minutes or until the cheese melts.  Stir in chicken and the next 4 ingredients ( the soup,sour cream, chili powder and cumin.) and than the hot cooked Pasta  until stirred well.  Now spoon the mixture into a lightly  greased 10-inch cast-iron skillet or 11x7 inch baking dish (I used a 13x9). Now its time to sprinkle the shredded Cheddar cheese on top.

Bake at 350 F for around 25 to 30 minutes or until bubbly.
This awesome meal serves 6 people.
 Best part of this meal is that there's left overs. (:

Monday, January 9, 2012

mmm, yum - January 9th

 I love it when my mom makes chicken sandwich's for dinner and they taste way better than McDonald's McChicken. :) Of course I expected this.

Friday, January 6, 2012

Mexican Cornbread - January 6th

I made this Mexican Cornbread for my meal this week. It took a little under an hour to  prep. and cook. So here's how I made it :
I started out cooking 2.25 lbs. of ground beef, once it was cooked, you drain the fat off and add the Mexican seasoning (taco seasoning) with how ever much water the package says. There is your first layer of the casserole. Next I used finely shredded cheddar cheese, put a layer of it on top of the meat. Then you can use just about any corn bread recipe (Jiff cornbread boxes works too). Once you've made that, all you have to do is spread it across the cheese and meat and bake it, to the allotted time it says for the cornbread. This all fits nicely into a 13x9 pan. This meal is great with lettuce, tomatoes and some sour cream. My family loved it!!

Thursday, January 5, 2012

The Purpose of the Blog

The purpose of this blog is so you can learn about different recipes and my culinary experience as I do. :)